Baby food is most important is Mother's Milk. All nutrition and nutrients needed by infants have been contained in it, especially for babies under 6 months of age. The content that is rich in nutrients and these nutrients can not be replaced by formula milk, although the most expensive price. That is the grace that God gives us. Giving Mother's Milk eklsusive given to babies until the baby reaches the age of six months, meaning that as long as six months a baby does not need to take an additional companion to meet nutritional requirements.
The age of 6 months, babies begin to be introduced on food supplementary food called Mother's Milk. This is the second baby food that accompany the provision of Mother's Milk. About good food menu to serve as supplementary food, please read our article: "Food First Mate babies"
Here we will discuss about how good the introduction of co-feeding mother to baby milk recall, baby's digestive organs are not perfect like an adult, so that if one gives the introduction of infant food can cause digestive disorders in infants, such as the occurrence of constipation or stomach instead of bloating.
Providing supplementary food Mother's Milk should be given in stages, in terms of food type, texture and amount of its portion. Viscosity and the amount of baby food must be adapted to the readiness of infants to receive food. In terms of food texture, initially your baby should be given semi-solid foods, while solid food is given when the baby is starting to grow teeth. Food portions are also gradually Muladi than one spoon hinga gradually increases according to the portion of the baby.
We recommend the introduction of baby food starting from one type of food, such as bananas, avocados and papayas. Then after being fed baby food, notice of the baby itself respond, whether the baby receives food that is given or not. If the baby refuses, usually by vomiting of food, do not be enforced, give the baby food other companion. Usually babies prefer sweet foods, therefore give the baby food such as fruits and vegetables at the tip of the tongue in the middle. Prioritizing the provision of vegetables than fruit, because vegetables tend to taste less unpleasant and enjoy your baby. If your baby continually introduced to the sweet taste, feared the baby would not like vegetables.
At the age of 6-9 months of food texture should be liquid and soft foods such as fruit pulp, milk porridge or pureed vegetables that are mashed. The age of 10-12 months, babies begin to move into viscous and solid food, but still have soft texture, such as rice of different teams. Infants aged 12-24 months have started to be introduced on the family food or solid foods but still maintain the flavor. Avoid foods that may interfere with the digestive organs, such as the food is too spicy sharp, spicy, too sour and greasy. In this masi introduce a snack or finger food can be held such as cookies, nuggets, or boiled vegetables or fruit. It's important to practice the skill in holding the food and stimulates tooth growth.
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