To let the baby grow into a healthy and intelligent child, so many things to be prepared early. The first three years are critical periods for growth and optimal child development. Entering the age of one year child activity increasing rapidly. In this period until the age of three years is the crucial period for growth and optimal child development. Therefore at this time that more attention from parents desperately needed. Both in terms of giving love, educate and provide nutrients to support the activities and the growth of intelligence.
Two main factors that affect the quality of intelligence
One. Heredity / genetics.
2. Environmental factors.
Children of parents will tend to be intelligent intelligent if environmental factors also support the intelligence from inside the womb, infancy and toddler. Although his parents smart but if environmental factors are not met then the potential brilliance will not be optimal. Whereas a child born of parents who happened to have no chance of higher education does not necessarily follow they are not intelligent. This is probably because there is no chance or due to economic constraints. Children can be smart if satisfied the need for the development of intelligence since I was in the womb.
Environmental factors consist of three basic needs to develop intelligence that is:
One. Biological physical needs, especially for brain growth, sensory and motor systems.
2. Emotional needs for affection affects emotional intelligence, inter and intrapersonal.
3. Needs of early stimulation stimulates other intelligences.
The fulfillment of three basic needs for intelligence
One. Physical-biological needs will be met with good nutrition in the womb since until adolescence for optimal brain development.
2. Emotional needs are met by protecting affection, creating a sense of security and comfort, recognize and reward the child.
3. Requirements include the stimulation of continuous stimulation with a variety of ways to stimulate all the sensory and motor systems.
These three basic needs must be given at the same time since the fetus is in the womb as it will influence each other mutually. If the physical requirements are not fulfilled, then the nutrients will be less, often sick and can not result in optimal brain development of children.
When emotions and affection needs are not fulfilled then the inter-and intra-personal intelligence will also be low. When stimulation in daily interaction less variable then the development of intelligence is also less than optimal.
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