Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Child We're Healthy and Smart?

Every parent would want to have a healthy and intelligent children. All the resources and effort will be made by the mother and father in order to achieve the above. Starting from the often hear classical music, take vitamins, exercise diligently to provide infant formula containing AA and DHA which are believed to increase the intelligence of children.
Not many realize that there is an easy and inexpensive way to be healthy and intelligent children. Dr. Utami Roesli, Sp.A, MBA, IBCLC, Chairman of the Indonesian Lactation Center says, "exclusive breast feeding can improve the health and intelligence of children."
Unfortunately, the mother in Indonesia, many of which do not give milk to their babies. Whereas with breastfeeding, health and intelligence of the baby is assured. Not only that, his mother would get one benefit that is becoming more rare breast cancer.
Look Nia (28), an employee who has two daughters, admits giving good milk and vitamins for healthy and intelligent children. Mothers who are very concerned about this health prefer natural as breast feeding (Mother's Milk). For him, it is important that children are always given the affection and psychological needs.
You may wonder, how breastfeeding can be healthy and educating your children?
Breast milk clearly is the right of the infant and early initiation of breast feeding was instrumental in the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Regarding the excess breast milk than formula, and so wise in choosing and using infant formula, you can see the description below.

One. Key To Child Healthy and Smart
2. Healthy and Smart with breast milk
One. Mother's Milk is the Right Babysitter
2. Importance of Early Initiation of Nursing/
Breast milk
3. The excess breast milk than formula milk
4. Mother Breastfeeding Problems
3. Choose wisely and use the Dairy Formula

Secret Behind Intelligent Child

To let the baby grow into a healthy and intelligent child, so many things to be prepared early. The first three years are critical periods for growth and optimal child development. Entering the age of one year child activity increasing rapidly. In this period until the age of three years is the crucial period for growth and optimal child development. Therefore at this time that more attention from parents desperately needed. Both in terms of giving love, educate and provide nutrients to support the activities and the growth of intelligence.
Two main factors that affect the quality of intelligence

One. Heredity / genetics.
2. Environmental factors.
Children of parents will tend to be intelligent intelligent if environmental factors also support the intelligence from inside the womb, infancy and toddler. Although his parents smart but if environmental factors are not met then the potential brilliance will not be optimal. Whereas a child born of parents who happened to have no chance of higher education does not necessarily follow they are not intelligent. This is probably because there is no chance or due to economic constraints. Children can be smart if satisfied the need for the development of intelligence since I was in the womb.
Environmental factors consist of three basic needs to develop intelligence that is:

One. Biological physical needs, especially for brain growth, sensory and motor systems.
2. Emotional needs for affection affects emotional intelligence, inter and intrapersonal.
3. Needs of early stimulation stimulates other intelligences.
The fulfillment of three basic needs for intelligence

One. Physical-biological needs will be met with good nutrition in the womb since until adolescence for optimal brain development.
2. Emotional needs are met by protecting affection, creating a sense of security and comfort, recognize and reward the child.
3. Requirements include the stimulation of continuous stimulation with a variety of ways to stimulate all the sensory and motor systems.
These three basic needs must be given at the same time since the fetus is in the womb as it will influence each other mutually. If the physical requirements are not fulfilled, then the nutrients will be less, often sick and can not result in optimal brain development of children.
When emotions and affection needs are not fulfilled then the inter-and intra-personal intelligence will also be low. When stimulation in daily interaction less variable then the development of intelligence is also less than optimal.

Mengasah Kecerdasan Naturalistik Balita

BALITA suka mengumpulkan dedaunan, biji buah-buahan kering, kulit kerang dan bebatuan. Untuk apa, hanya balita yang tahu. Namun, Anda perlu tahu bahwa balita memiliki kecerdasan naturalistik. Kecerdasan naturalistik adalah kemampuan mengenali dan menglasifikasi pola-pola alam. Koleksinya yang lebih mirip sampah itu adalah bahan pelajarannya untuk mengasah kecerdasan naturalistik. Asah potensinya! Siapa tahu dia bisa menjadi ilmuwan hebat seperti Charles Darwin, Bapak Teori Evolusi atau Luther Burbank, ahli botani dari Amerika dan penemu Ilmu Pertanian.

1. Menikmati alam pantai dan pegunungan adalah wilayah kesukaan si cerdas naturalistik
Pantai adalah laboratorium kehidupan laut yang berisi aneka mahkluk hidup. Selain itu ada pasir, kulit kerang dan batu karang. Biarkan anak membawa benda-benda itu sebagai koleksinya. Ajak pula anak ke pegunungan, berjalan-jalan dan mengamati tanaman yang tumbuh di sana. Bila Anda tak paham tanaman, beri kesempatan si kecil untuk menyentuh dan menggunakan caranya sendiri untuk belajar.
2. Merawat binatang adalah tanggung jawab yang disukai si cerdas naturalistik
Ajak anak ke dokter hewan saat membawa binatang peliharaan untuk divaksin. Perlihatkan juga cara memberi makan dan membersihkan kandang hewan.
3. Jalan-jalan ke Taman Safari dan Kebun Raya cocok untuk mereka
Di tempat ini ia bisa melihat habitat hidup binatang mendekati aslinya berikut pakannya. Di Kebun Raya anak bisa melihat perbedaan berbagai tanaman dan pepohonan. Sering-sering mengajak si kecil ke luar kota untuk membandingkan tanaman, bisa mengasah kecerdasan naturalistiknya..
4. Membaca buku-buku pengetahuan bergambar binatang 
seperti unggas, serangga, reptil, mamalia. Bacakan dan ceritakan secara detail habitat hidup, kebiasaan dan pakan binatang. Lengkapi koleksi buku tentang bunga, tanaman atau pepohonan.
5. Mengoleksi adalah kebiasaan anak cerdas naturalistik. Saat jalan-jalan, ia akan memetik rumput, daun, bunga maupun buah yang tak penting menurut Anda. Meski begitu, dorong anak untuk mengumpulkan apa saja: bebatuan, kulit kerang, serangga. Ajak anak melihat perbedaannya dan membuat klasifikasinya. Misalnya jenis rumput: rumput gajah, rumput manila, dan sebagainya. Jangan marahi anak bila ia memungut sesuatu di jalan.
6. Mandi hujan atau berjemur di panas matahari bisa menjadi bahan pelajaran si kecil
Izinkan anak merasakan hujan dan sengatan matahari agar ia mengenal perbedaan suhu udara dan cuaca.
7. Memandang langit di malam hari, ceritakan tentang bulan, bintang dan binatang malam. Di siang hari, tunjukkan pada buah hati Anda, bagaimana awan-awan bergerak, berubah bentuk menjadi apa saja. Ajarkan perbedaan siang dan malam.
8. Menanam tumbuhan 
mulai dari biji hingga menjadi kecambah dan pohon cabai misalnya, membuat balita Anda yang cerdas naturalistik sangat senang. Apalagi saat bunga cabai berubah jadi buah cabai. Ajak ia menghitung hari dan mencatatnya meski balita belum bisa membaca. Catatan ini penting untuk Anda agar Anda bisa menjelaskannya pada anak. Kapan-kapan, ajak balita melihat cara lain menanam dengan cara stek.
9. Sediakan mainan yang bisa mengasah kecerdasan naturalistik:
  • Pasir untuk membuat gunung, persawahan. Selain pasir, berikan juga tanah agar anak belajar mengenali perbedaan tekstur tanah dan pasir.
  • Teleskop, jelaskan kegunaan dan cara menggunakannya.
  • Mikroskop, sediakan preparat dan jelaskan kegunaan dan cara menggunakannya.
  • Buku-buku sejarah tentang terjadinya gunung berapi dan tentang terjadinya bumi.
  • Scrapbook, label, lem, gunting dan sebagainya untuk mengumpulkan koleksinya.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby Weight Charts

Many mothers give more attention to babies especially when they are "standing"As many as 5% of mothers worry that their baby may be "too small" .. when in fact what he really means is: that out of 100 babies the same age, 95 infants have asked more and more or less four babies weigh less .. .
This graph is useful as a guide dirty. Other factors that also affect your baby's growth, among others, such as genetic and ethnic differences. A mother usually knows about the characteristics of their own babies!
You have your own baby growth chart pattern and the pattern of healthy growth with rising graph model and stable.
You have your own baby growth chart pattern and the pattern of healthy growth with rising graph model and stable.
Here is a graph of ideal weight for your baby with a proportionate height. Girls and boys have the ideal height and weight differ
High Graphics Babies and weight growth
For baby girl

Graph Weight Loss - Women Appeal for children aged 2-5 years
For Male Babies

You have your own baby growth chart pattern and the pattern of healthy growth with rising graph model and stable.
Here is a graph of ideal weight for your baby with a proportionate height. Girls and boys have the ideal height and weight differ
High Graphics Babies and weight growth
For baby girl

Graph Weight Loss - Women Appeal for children aged 2-5 years
For Male Babies

Weight Graph - High to boys aged 2-5 years
Weight Graph - High to boys aged 2-5 years

The body language of babies

Program 50 Signs / Signals First Baby
You can begin teaching your baby sign language gesture from age 6 months. Although some babies are not ready to start until they are 9 or 12 months. The sooner you learn to sign and begin to practice and embed cue marks on your baby's routine every day - faster and more easily they will learn and begin to imitate and understand the signals that are created in your sign.
Your baby's language will be amazed how easy it is. For example, when you feed your baby, you'll use a sign 'eat' or when they drink, you will show signs of cues for a drink or milk.
Sign in sign is easy to learn and will spend a minute or two minutes (at most) of your busy schedule. Look at the ease of following the existing drawings and photographs at every stage in our eBook program and practice a gesture sign every week or two weeks with your baby before you go on the other.

You will quickly develop signs and cues for remembering things that most will be your experience with your baby every day. You'll quickly find that you remember the sign signal for the most common thing every day and the event is easy if you practice well. Show alert signal to your baby before you do things and say the word - SIMPLE!

All the signs of a baby's first signs "in illustrated with detailed diagrams and photos, to show you how to sign gesture is made. There is also a sign written instructions to all cues.

Guide to Making Your Own Baby Food

Want to make your own baby food? Here are some things you need to consider:

Food Ingredients
If you're just going to start giving solid foods to your baby, then start with simple. In addition to foods such as cereal, solid food for your baby can be a banana or avocado is mashed, pureed apples, pears, pumpkins, and potatoes are cooked.
Once your baby look like various kinds of fruits and vegetables, you can introduce the next beef, goat, or chicken to it. Make sure you do not put salt into baby food, and do not process meat with roasted / burnt. As a variation, of course you can combine the meat with vegetables or even fruits, like apples and pears.
After your baby is gradually getting used to different kinds of food and different textures and teeth begin to appear, you can try to give the fish a soft fleshy fruit and a slightly sour like a lemon.
Setting Tips
First, every fruit you should peeled, reserving the fat and blubber from the meat and set aside too chicken skin.
For processing, food ingredients can you steamed, boiled, or cooked using the microwave.
Furthermore, for infants under the age of eight months, you can make these materials into puree. The process can use a regular blender or food processor. To make a smoother puree, you can just add boiled water to taste.

For infants older than 8 months, you just minced meat and other food ingredients could you puree with a fork. If you are using fish, be careful with bones yes ...
Presenting and Saving Tips

Baby food that has been in the form of puree, can survive in the freezer for up to 30 days, at the latest. How to keep it, you can use a container of ice cubes. Spoon puree into a container boxes, ice cubes, then cover with plastic wrap for food. Store in freezer.
Or, you can also use a plastic jar / glass as a container. This puree can survive up to two days in the refrigerator and up to one month in the freezer. Do not forget to label foods that contain information and expiration date.

PresentationTo serve food that has been stored in the refrigerator / freezer, you stay warm in the stove. If you want to use the microwave, you just put the cubes mashed into a glass or ceramic bowl, then heating it. Make sure you stir the puree until completely uniform, to avoid the gathering of hot food at only one point. It can be harmful to your baby.
Just before serving, first check the food temperature using a clean spoon and test using your lips. If there is food left over, do not be put back into the freezer yes ...

Baby Sign Language

Baby's body language studies have shown that brain development in infants more quickly than their dictionary. Babies know what they want and whenever they wish, before they are able to request it.
Would not it be exciting if you let your baby know when they are hungry, thirsty, tired or cold. This is possible only if you and your baby is learning some simple signs using a unique e-book mark our baby's cues from the first 50 signs of infant cues.
There are many advantages to using sign language with your baby's cues. Many recent studies of infants have produced signs and signals some benefits such as below:
Benefits of baby sign language signs;
- Alert signal to reduce the stress you and your baby.
- Your baby will cry less and cranky as a result of reduced stress
- Alert signal will not prevent the pronunciation and language development. This will enhance and raced away.
- Sign cues can help you as parents, know what your baby's likes and dislikes, to tell you when your baby is tired, to tell you when your baby is hungry or thirsty, help you identify if you are injured or sick baby, let baby you communicate using simple sign marks (drink, again, to eat, can and more)
- You'll spend less time playing "the guessing game" trying to guess what your baby wants.
- Your child or children will be happy if they are able to communicate their thoughts and desires.
- Your child will increase the level of confidence and sense of self-esteem would be higher.
Many people think that babies who are taught sign language gesture will be slower to learn to speak. Although it's not really the problem. The truth is the opposite. Research has shown that babies who are taught sign cues will be more motivated and want to speak more quickly than an infant or child who had never communicated before.